原帖由 ZaMaR 於 16-11-2009 00:06 發表 ghost個look
原帖由 yurihk 於 16-11-2009 14:41 發表 唔知係唔係我睇錯,比人掉去燒果刻,我見到個肚D匣係AEG個design...睇落唔多似匣底...(有出BB彈位) 有無師兄留意到?
原帖由 icepoint 於 16-11-2009 16:45 發表 don't u guys find the ending (where you pull the knife and throw at Shepard) very much like resident evil 5 game-play? when reach there, it just give me this feeling...
原帖由 阿堅 於 16-11-2009 21:23 發表 AEG匣? 88718