
總督察家中退膛 曲尺走火列意外

原帖由 於 17-1-2012 22:19 發表


1, 資源有限係事實...咁但係..因為去左訓練無人做野..係一個假設情況定係事實..?
當真係要去訓練...決策層面的同事/老細. ...
well..........you have to accept that hiring a civil servant is not as simple as some private company....
the funding and strength was fixed in each year and need to be approved by the higher authority.
even if you wanna double the size of the Police force overnight, it'll take time to select the proper peoples not to mention the 6 months training at least
maybe we can have a crystal ball to fix the funding issue, training time and max capacity of our facilities by a single slap with the fingers

and please dont forget, the overwhelming workload came from the higher and higher expectation of the public

[ 本帖最後由 augustus 於 18-1-2012 02:16 編輯 ]


please be fair in a way that a lot of peoples can make mistake which may cause someone's life, from professional and highly educated like Doctor to as skillful as bus driver......
so how come both doctor and bus driver can make mistake which caused someone's life (which actually happened) and people feel sorry for them when they complaint about their short of manpower and workload.  When Police talking about the workload it became an unforgivable excuse?

