

原帖由 nothing777 於 30-1-2008 13:09 發表

henry, beside any bayonet or knife, do u think safariland 6004 is allowed to mail from u.s.
seems hk shops had stop all the order. so i wonder if i can buy one from xbay.
holster is o.k., you can still buy it from on-line dealers or xbay, I bought some 3 weeks ago from the States

The problem is, some of the companies in the industry have been bought by Armor Holdings, which I believe Safariland is one of them. The group is basically holding everything until they clarify the group's picture & negotiation the trade with other big monster groups in the arm's industry.... trillion arms trade involve here.... holding off some holsters production or sales is really nothing to these guys, some of the local Police Dept. in the States couldn't get CS rounds for stock ..one of my freinds who work in the Sheriff Dept. in California do not even stock sufficient rounds for training

To put it simple, buying things like these from overseas will be more difficult in the future...get them when you can....


原帖由 nothing777 於 1-2-2008 15:12 發表

interesting info. u recieve yr holster yet? could u give me the website of the online -dealer that u bought yr holster from.
so i can have a look. thx C hing
check PM

