
英佬們 : 仲 唔 快 D 去 阿 褲 浪 護 駕

I always think he is childish. This time, I feel the same as he insisted to go to the war zone.

Being a member of the Royal family, does he have to go???

The most unwanted picture I saw on TV is the one he worn a US baseball cap with a German badge on his armour vest. What happen to the British Army. Shame......

[ 本帖最後由 qm00 於 1-3-2008 16:58 編輯 ]


God bless the Queen.
Now, he came back home and completed his mission as a Royal member.
BTW, have you ever seen any soildier smiling with a GPMG? What a pity!!
原帖由 jwlchan 於 2-3-2008 04:31 發表

I totally agreed with you!!!!!

I was shouting at the TV when I saw this news in the TV.


So do I.
原帖由 jwlchan 於 5-3-2008 19:16 發表
I must be stupid...I could not see anywhere stated that this Eagle is the new badge of 52 infantry.

The army may changed now a day…wearing a USA Baseball Cap with British Army Uniform from a  ...


I think he likes the word 'We do the bad thing' only!!
I agree with jwlchan that the army has changed a lot. Not follow with the tradition anymore!
I seldom see the union jack anymore!
Is that still valid for the statment 'the Sun will never set for the empire'?
原帖由 Bryan 於 6-3-2008 03:31 發表

其實佢可能得一頂cap帽~ 又或佢好鐘意後面句野~

但作英軍王子, 或作為陸軍軍官


就算塭個2x3 Union Jack '馮'於美旗上面都好easy~


http://i ...

