

Ha? You think you can have an 'apple' before retirement???
原帖由 auxair 於 16-12-2007 02:26 發表

回ms 兄,輔助部隊只是服務社會,以小弟部隊來說,比你做到最大一拖二又點? 膊頭都係有個(A) 字 (行內人說「A貨服務隊」)。 每次到能以業餘身份為身處危難人仕平安脫離險境出一分力,便是最大的回報了! 而 ...


Don't you think it is too smooth for you in the life of an officer?
I saw you on Sunday sitting in the Ops room doing nothing bor???
BTW, which boss are you talking to?
Anyway, of course you are love to have but not for everyone like to see.
Keep working la, old man.
原帖由 auxair 於 16-12-2007 23:17 發表
I would certainly love to....although nothing can be said 100% sure. I think it is on the 08/09 budget and also from what my two bosses told me

I made Sgt from Cpl in 1.5 year and AC to Cpl in ...


Hey my friend, Take it easy.

There is nothing personal and is not an offensive way to each other.
Of course you know me well. You know, the department wish to increase its transparency and I think you have already gave the youth about your story. May be they would also like to know more about the life an officer in GFS lei.
BTW, since u joined the service in 1987 or 1988 as an AC (I do not remember quite well la) They may also wonder how you can be promoted to a senior officer for the past ten years!  Will there be any simiilar case in the Army? I think the most cases in the Amry will be from WO2 promote to Lt, correct?

For us who serve the community are sometimes hard to be explained. Don't PM me la. You should have my number.:x
原帖由 auxair 於 17-12-2007 14:53 發表
Well, you may or may not know the other half of my job - wheeling and dealing with administration for the best interest (promotion, budgets, training opportunites, even uniform scale) of the Auxi ...

