
港警濫權剝光豬 聯國關切 要求港府懲處警方於脫衣搜身和反賣淫行動時的不當行為

港警濫權剝光豬 聯國關切 要求港府懲處警方於脫衣搜身和反賣淫行動時的不當行為

井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 MS 於 25-11-2008 17:37 發表
嘩!你算八............香港差人做野都關你事 都好熱心公益.........jwlchan唔通你想乜英回流 係就唔好預我床下低果箱紅酒..........洗唔洗ms幫你飲咗佢
唉, 又衰多事, 唱衰香港?
係, 前年我有想過回流, 但係自從睇到d新聞, 講出來就一定俾人鬧, 講我偏見, 只識攻擊偉大, 英武文明既香港..........所以好驚返去俾人詳细搜後枢.....而家改變主意, 都係異地终老算數!
我边箱红酒先? 一個月起馬飲1-2箱, 點記得咁多?
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


講真, 全世界都有警察的濫權情況, 問題係冇話老馮係人都通後枢, 放蛇老馮做完全套先至拉......到底世界有幾多警察會咁, 我都好想知到.
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 gtoray 於 25-11-2008 18:08 發表
要求港府懲處 ...?
唔知個 repost 係咪真有呢句.....

[ 本帖最後由 jwlchan 於 25-11-2008 18:15 編輯 ]
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 莊家-犯罪無間 於 25-11-2008 18:15 發表

係呀, 比起緬甸香港係幾好既! 重有好多地方添....咁所以香港就可以老馮做?
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 HunterX 於 25-11-2008 18:16 發表

其實香港都唔係個個人入到警署都要通既... 放蛇都唔係個個都會抽水既......
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!



我地又唔驶咁快咁大聲既, 新聞ge......睇吓點回應啦!
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 Boniface 於 26-11-2008 04:17 發表
咁又係呀, 我在87年代係美國開快車被差人check, 佢拔槍指我.....

唔係話香港警察差,而係覺得此新聞特別, 整到去联合國, 故拿出來吹水ge.....
估唔到被人話太大聲嘈, 真唔好意思

[ 本帖最後由 jwlchan 於 26-11-2008 11:11 編輯 ]
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 莊家-犯罪無間 於 26-11-2008 11:13 發表

香港發生的野,少少都比人擺上國際ga la
香港真係惦,慘, 咁少意思既嘢, 剝光豬及食老免都比人擺上國際, 應該由佢就算啦!
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 gtoray 於 26-11-2008 15:44 發表

我睇過下, 好似同世界曰報講既差不多:

Strip search and body cavity search
10. The Committee notes the new Police guidelines in force from 1 July 2008 on the handling of searches of detainees in police custody. While welcoming that, under this revised procedure, a designated officer has to justify the scope and conduct of a search based on objective and identifiable criteria, the Committee is concerned at:
a) the Police Commissioner’s determination that every person in police custody has to be searched every time he or she enters a detention facility maintained by the police, making body searches automatic for all individuals in police custody, irrespective of whether or not there is any objective justification thereto;
b) allegations of abusive strip searches, including in facilities of the Immigration Department and of the Correctional Services Department; and
c) allegations of the routine practice of conducting body cavity searches of those entering in prison, despite the fact that Rule 9 of the Hong Kong prison rules only provides for the possibility of conducting such searches.
The HKSAR should:
a) ensure that strip searches for persons in police custody are limited to cases where there is a reasonable and clear justification; if carried out, the search has to be conducted with the least intrusive means and in full conformity with article 16 of the Convention; an independent mechanism to monitor those searches, upon request of the detainee, should also be provided;
b) establish precise and strict guidelines regulating the strip searches conducted by all law-enforcement officials, including those from the Immigration and Correctional Services Department; if these guidelines are already in place, they should be strictly abided by and their observance consistently monitored; records of searches should be made and all abuses 4
committed should be thoroughly investigated and, if substantiated, punished; and
c) seek alternate methods to body cavity search for routine screening of prisoners; if such search has to be conducted, it must be only as a last resort and should be performed by trained health personnel and with due regard for the individual’s privacy and dignity.
Police operations
11. The Committee welcomes the information provided by the delegation that the Police has reviewed and revised, in late 2007, the guidelines for the conduct of officers engaging in police operations in the context of prostitution-related offences. However, the Committee is concerned at the allegations of routine police abuses of persons during such operations.
HKSAR authorities should thoroughly investigate all allegations of abuses committed during police operations in the context of prostitution-related offences which, if substantiated, should be appropriately prosecuted and punished. The HKSAR should also tackle, including through training and awareness-raising activities, all existing attitudes suggesting that such abuses may be condoned.
Independent investigation of police misconduct
12. The Committee welcomes the enactment of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) Ordinance on 12 July 2008 converting the IPCC into a statutory body, as previously recommended by this Committee. However, the Committee is concerned that, while the statutory framework has reinforced the independent role of the IPCC, the latter only has advisory and oversight functions to monitor and review the activity of the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO), which is still - in fact - the body responsible for handling and investigating complaints of police misconduct. In this respect, the Committee also notes with concern the information that - despite the considerable number of reportable complaints filed with the CAPO – a small percentage of them were considered as substantiated and only in one case an officer has been prosecuted and convicted of a criminal offence.
The HKSAR should continue to take steps to establish a fully independent mechanism mandated to receive and investigate complaints on police misconduct. This body should be equipped with the necessary human and financial resources and have the executive authority to formulate binding recommendations in respect of investigations conducted and findings regarding such complaints, in line with the requirements of Article 12 of the convention.
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 莊家-犯罪無間 於 26-11-2008 16:42 發表

咪係又無比人拍到片又無影相,人道d學下美軍咁玩d戰俘,影曬相比人可以追究先得ga ma

乜都除清, 點有機會影呀?
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 gtoray 於 26-11-2008 18:10 發表

係, 只不過有d斷章取義
我又唔睇到有乜斷章取義......可能我既中英文水準都未夠高水準, 雖然我以前曾经做過政府傳譯, 而家老咗就差d....

同時, 咁就要睇下港府點回應UN .........
井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


原帖由 莊家-犯罪無間 於 26-11-2008 18:05 發表

d警察自己影ar ma,美軍捉左d 俘虜緊係美軍拍番la,按一般認知,有幾可會見到捉左d戰俘會比佢咁自由走動,重要比佢地揸機拍ga je


井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!


聯國關切剝光豬 警搜身不鬆手 回應已添金屬探測器 未承諾減少不人道待遇

井底之蛙, 啋你都傻!

