

原帖由 qm00 於 17-12-2007 06:40 發表
Don't you think it is too smooth for you in the life of an officer?
I saw you on Sunday sitting in the Ops room doing nothing bor???
BTW, which boss are you talking to?
Anyway, of course ...
Sitting in the OPs Room doing nothing!?  If there is no one sitting in the OPs Room then the whole unit would be doing nothing.


回覆 #34 qm00 的帖子

Will there be any simiilar case in the Army? I think the most cases in the Amry will be from WO2 promote to Lt, correct?
In the Army...I take it you are talking about the British Army or RHKR (not sure but I think it must following the same as the British Army) Any SNCO or WOs could apply for Commission with the Commanding Officer recommendation. Normally, it should happen within the 15 years of his/her service.

If the applicant success then should be 2 pips and could promote up to Major of rank. However, I meet a Full Colonel who was brought up from Sergeant before. This is really unusual.

[ 本帖最後由 jwlchan 於 18-12-2007 20:08 編輯 ]

