
英佬們 : 仲 唔 快 D 去 阿 褲 浪 護 駕

原帖由 qm00 於 1-3-2008 08:57 發表
I always think he is childish. This time, I feel the same as he insisted to go to the war zone.

Being a member of the Royal family, does he have to go???

The most unwanted picture I saw on  ...
I totally agreed with you!!!!!

I was shouting at the TV when I saw this news in the TV.


原帖由 B20_hk 於 2-3-2008 15:03 發表


No matter he was there or not, but as a member of the Royal Family, a British Army Office wearing an American baseball cap and have a German Badge on his Body Armour and show on the TV is really a shame!

I cannot agree qm00 more!

Of course, he would be well protected in the front line.


What happen to the US Cap? I take it you may be right on the bagde!


I must be stupid...I could not see anywhere stated that this Eagle is the new badge of 52 infantry.

The army may changed now a day…wearing a USA Baseball Cap with British Army Uniform from a Brisish Army Office/Royal Family member!


原帖由 Bryan 於 5-3-2008 19:31 發表

其實佢可能得一頂cap帽~ 又或佢好鐘意後面句野~

但作英軍王子, 或作為陸軍軍官


就算塭個2x3 Union Jack '馮'於美旗上面都好easy~


http://i ...
I was a senior NCO in the British Army for 22 years and few years in the TA afterward. I will not wear anything apart from the Uniform and also will charge any soldiers on order if they do so. This against the Army Law....As I said the British Army may changed now a day and this is why we following the US for wars...wars......sssssssss


原帖由 queen 於 6-3-2008 06:44 發表

The eagle badge is not the new badge of 52 inf., the rectangle, green and black one is the new badge of 52 inf, the Eagle..............may be the waterloo Eagle............
So you say the Member of Royal Family wearing a German Badge and show on the tv? Or, on the other hand, British Army Officer wearing a German Badge in uniform and show on the tv?...of course, with a US Baseball Cap!

[ 本帖最後由 jwlchan 於 6-3-2008 14:41 編輯 ]


回覆 #31 auxair 的帖子

Dear Auxair

I am sorry but I could not see any German or Waterloo Eagle from your Url...same as the one Prince Harry wearing on the TV together withe the US Base Ball Cap.

Anyway, I do not know why we have to spending so much time on this kind of rubbish.

[ 本帖最後由 jwlchan 於 7-3-2008 10:11 編輯 ]


原帖由 auxair 於 6-3-2008 15:56 發表
Dear Jwlchan

The first two links are meant to illustrate the historical background - the capturing of the Imperial Eagle at the Battle of Waterloo (please click on the pictures)
Thank for the info. Anyway, I personally not really interest of the Royal Family so just leave them as what they are......


原帖由 B20_hk 於 6-3-2008 17:12 發表
When Tony Blair said "We'll side by side with US" after 911.  It was realized UK and US at same side, follow US to attack other country.  Actually, London can avoid transport attack, ju ...
Thanks B20...I feel that the UK is not side by side with the US but only following and running with the US.

