

原帖由 season19972000 於 10-9-2009 19:56 發表
請問MS 兄...這是什麼階段呀.....?
呢個應該係 Conductor - Royal Logistic Corps, 計 Appointment 係 WO1 中最大:

In the British Army, there are two warrant ranks, Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) and Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1), the latter being the senior of the two. It used to be more common to refer to these ranks as WOII and WOI (using Roman instead of Arabic numerals). Warrant Officer 1st Class or 2nd Class is incorrect. The rank immediately below WO2 is Staff Sergeant (or Colour Sergeant).

WO1s wear a royal coat of arms on the lower sleeve, except for the Regimental Sergeants Major of Foot Guards Regiments who wear a larger version of the same coat of arms on the upper sleve. The insignia of those holding the most senior WO1 appointment of Conductor is the coat of arms surrounded by a wreath.
The four most senior warrant officer appointments in the British Army according to Queens Regulations are, in descending order of seniority:

Conductor, Royal Logistic Corps
Royal Artillery Sergeant Major, Royal Artillery
Academy Sergeant Major, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Currently is Pete Carr - Coldstream Guards)
Garrison Sergeant Major, London District (Currently is Bill Mott - Welsh Guards)

