原帖由 d.s 於 7-5-2009 23:16 發表 客氣~客氣~ 我d匣今日先收到,不過聽聞係裝唔到magpul ranger plate........ ps~隻GHK匣係Work喎~好爽吓
9-5-2009 11:24
原帖由 kerry19831207 於 11-5-2009 00:17 發表 1. Have buy a real pmag.. 2. Buy a GHK WA M4 Mag. 3. Put it together.(But have to doing some work la...) Im going to post some more pic tomorrow... it is very easy to do it by your self after u ...
原帖由 ayaka 於 13-5-2009 19:56 發表 各位巴打....WGZ有豬HK匣賣la~ 要就快手la ps. wgz係咪開一至五, 9:00-6:00?? 咁我日日番工點樣去攞野呢???
原帖由 ayaka 於 14-5-2009 23:28 發表 GREAT~ 我宜家都改緊gbb PMAG la~ 就黎成功la