I don't give a poi
原帖由 jeffrey2525 於 23-8-2012 01:27 發表 同埋我想認識吓隻game,d槍係咪要殺人升lv先拎到?
原帖由 2slow 於 23-8-2012 03:08 發表 報一報你部PC既config會好d 睇下火牛夠唔夠做都好重要 新一代既Display(玩BF3級數)多數都要另外要火牛供電
原帖由 Cheesecake 於 23-8-2012 11:22 發表 560Ti la, just don't get the Galaxy one.. I'm now using Galaxy 560Ti but the old card have crashed like 2-4 times. It's like on May I phoned the company (Kingbo) and complained about it and ...
原帖由 jeffrey2525 於 23-8-2012 10:26 發表 5.57GB RAM...
原帖由 nathan852 於 23-8-2012 15:42 發表 小弟就用緊560ti, X6 1075T,4GB RAM,高效 唔開反鋸 60-70fps 1000一係用560SE 一係就搵張平的560...
原帖由 Cheesecake 於 23-8-2012 21:16 發表 Actually what are these.. I mean SSAO, HBAO, MSAA and FXAA I actually have no idea what are these.. I would be glad if someone can tell me..
原帖由 Cheesecake 於 23-8-2012 21:34 發表 Thanks a lot~ Now I get it, what confuse me is actually HBAO and SSAO.