原帖由 piggyman 於 13-11-2020 21:19 發表
There are some updates!
I contacted a local airsoft club which will be closed to the town I station. They give me some information about UKARA.
2. Without UKARA membership, you can't buy airsoft gun in the UK ... But, you can have it without UKARA membership.
3. You can import your guns to the UK without UKARA.
沉日睇完新聞.. 搞到認真度下點帶走D 玩具
師兄到而家有乜進展, 第二三條講到, 好似唔洗做membership都可以運, 擁有 單色汽槍. 咁就方便好多
再唔係two tone過咗去先再搞其他嘢, 確認合法就洗返乾淨佢
你過咗去未? 成功嗎?? 或其他ching諗成點.
不過過咗沉晚... 又多咗好多人諗緊走佬.