原帖由 zerohost 於 23-4-2012 23:21 發表
公開隊叫sabre sqn係咪你自己作架?
S SQN係有一個,你自己係公司人就知係政治迫害出黎既野,CTW>CTSW>S SQN
S本身stand for sierra,不過一班s sqn 某幾個得力nco自娛先叫sabre用作 ...
師兄唔洗燥, 下下火先
我係咪公司人(大人或細路都好), 入轉高島自有分竅啦
不如睇下Orders 睇下三巨頭點稱呼"Squadron" 先啦.. 唔係S for Sabre, Sabre Squadrons 係所有Squadron 統稱, 如果真係S Sqn 亦只係S for Support not S for Sabre
如果我連Radio alphabet 都未識, 就自然獻醜不如藏拙啦, 係到唔驚比人笑? 無知危險, 知少少更危險, 唔知唔出聲更好, 我就唔會捉蟲入袋
Quote 番2010年7月Supp Order比你睇
Insert – Reorganization of CTSW and Formation of S (Support) Squadron
The Commandant is pleased to announce the reorganization of the Central Training Support Wing to form
the S Squadron with effect from 1 July 2010. The S Squadron will have similar cadet training functions as
other sabre squadrons, which include training of school-based and/or open-recruited cadets, as appropriate.
In addition, the S Squadron is also tasked to plan, coordinate and run central skill and/or specialist training
courses for instructors and cadets as considered necessary by the Commandant from time to time.
另外G Squadron 消失左好耐, 當時有CTSW Guards Troop, 然後又同HQ Troop 合併, 然後又整過隊獨立Guards Troop, (W)OIC 係 SWO
但就我所以就連Guards Instructor 都係屬CHQ 管而唔係向Guards Troop 入面.
本帖最後由 Rager 於 24-4-2012 20:28 編輯 ]