回復 10# 的帖子
O型血係冇任何A或B既Antigen, 所以O型血係Universal donor,
可以供給A, B, AB OR O 血型人仕. when you are talking about ABO compatibility. you have to make sure whether you are talking about the donor or recipient.
O without Aor B antigen (universal donor)
A with A antigen
B with B Antigen
AB with both A and B antigen
O has both A and B antibody
A has B antibody
B has A antibody
AB has no antibody (universal recipient)
Antibody 係講緊係Recipient 既Serum 裡面, 而Antigen 係Coat 左係RBC 上面. 所以你既答案都可以話係正確.