
英佬們 : 仲 唔 快 D 去 阿 褲 浪 護 駕

回覆 #11 jwlchan 的帖子

the Badge, is look like the "German Badge".....but, is this the new style badge of Waterloo Eagle for the Blues & Royals??
Because the sleve badge of the Baluses & Royals is "Waterloo Eagle"....
however, one of the badge is ..."Tommy page"(the red and white one)????????? and I really want to know is the rectangle one(black and green colour), what is that badge, because his teamate also have this badge??


原帖由 Bryan 於 4-3-2008 18:39 發表

for the rectangle one:

應該係52 Infantry Brigade既OG版袖章, 佢地打Ops Herrick 7 (Oct07-Apl08)
Harry所屬The Household Cavalry Regiment (B&R) 亦係其中一員

http://www.mod.uk/NR/rd ...
That's the new badge of 52 infantry........thx a lot...

but is that really the Waterloo Eagle or a fuxking badge of the JTAC??


原帖由 Bryan 於 5-3-2008 13:42 發表
hehe~ (we hope that's the Waterloo~....)
Me too.....don't want a German "souvenir"....wish it is Waterloo Eagle...


原帖由 jwlchan 於 5-3-2008 19:16 發表
I must be stupid...I could not see anywhere stated that this Eagle is the new badge of 52 infantry.

The army may changed now a day…wearing a USA Baseball Cap with British Army Uniform from a  ...
The eagle badge is not the new badge of 52 inf., the rectangle, green and black one is the new badge of 52 inf, the Eagle..............may be the waterloo Eagle............

