

原帖由 於 31-1-2011 04:18 發表
利益申報 : 我未上車

你想減而家既車飛 , 大部份買左飛既人一定同你死過

車飛價跌 , 帶來既除左係買飛既人蝕錢(負資產)之外 , 仲隨時帶黎通縮

限制單位尺寸 , 唔好下下起大單位我覺得係一個好政策 , 但到時 ...
>限制單位尺寸 , 唔好下下起大單位我覺得係一個好政策 , 但到時火已經燒到後欄<

no use la....some just....3~400ft2 house....also need 4~5M......


原帖由 ranger_hk 於 31-1-2011 13:16 發表

So...what the Government can do???
Like....Mr. 董建華 85,000????Break down the market???
Stop the Main Land People buy HK House?????
Sale all the Land in one time????????

The most horrible things is.....HK Government can't do anything.......
The price of the houce is control by the market....the price is really crazy expensive now, but.....still have a lot of people buy.......


原帖由 jpg 於 31-1-2011 15:20 發表
85,000 對於冇樓係身既朋友未尚唔係好事,
Not 100% correct, 係對於有"火少"樓身既朋友就係一個大災難
but.....if the house...is use to live only..........really not a big problem....


原帖由 於 31-1-2011 21:43 發表
買黎炒...你估真係咁易炒到...? 炒家係推高的其中一個原因...但係買果班人..真係 ...
居屋...really just a joke only.......don't think the 居屋 can help u to buy a house....

If you know the limit of the apply of the 居屋(I mean the "white form".....you will know....this is 100% a Joke...

I applied 居屋 between 1999 to 2001, and as I remember, the upper limite of the salary was about 180k...this is not more than 14k/month(13 months salary)....but the price of the 500ft2 居屋 also need 2M~3M(except 天水圍).....after pay the crazy 10200K to 300K), each month also need to pay more than 10k for the house.....

After know this requirement.....do you still think 居屋 really can help you to buy a house??


I bought my house in 2001.......5 days before 911.....

I bought a "village house" and the price already is quite cheap(already have the 85,000 effect), and as I know after the SARS, my house already drop more than 1/3........but I don't feel any problem and bad effect for me.......

And in this two year, the price of my house already raise more than 50% than the org. price, but........I never feel any adv. for me.....................

So...if the house is just for "LIVE"......really no any effect for the house owner.....


原帖由 boni 於 1-2-2011 10:30 發表

i don't think 居屋 is a joke, esp for those who can't reach the requirement for 公屋, 但又想買樓...
i tell u what, my family used "white form" for application.
though it's 2 decades ago...
anywa ...
-->2 decades ago<--
is totally different with now la.......in 1990....the price of house is still very reasonable.....and the price of 居屋 is still very low totally different with now...

-->如果咁既入息供唔到居屋, 咁又點買其他樓呢<--

The main point is....the family/people who only have 咁既入息.....really can't buy a house.....

One very interest thing in Hong Kong now.....the people who do not have enough money....why they "must" buy a house????  If really do not have enough money...so...don't buy....this is the rule...

For a very easy and simple example, I also want to buy a SOCOM M200, it need 10K, but I do not have enough money.....so....I can't buy.......this is the rule....

And the org. idea of 居屋, is not for the "white form" people/family, is for the "green form" people/family, it is let the people who live in 公屋, but their income is raise, so they can use the "green form" to apply 居屋, and they do not have limit of their salary, so when they remove from 公屋, some other people can move to their house...it is use to keep the flow of the 公屋, the 居屋 is not help people to 上車.........

[ 本帖最後由 queen 於 1-2-2011 10:49 編輯 ]


原帖由 B20_hk 於 1-2-2011 17:54 發表

I don't think so........

