

dear Kenli315,
i owned that gamo, star fake 6mm AP and a Steyr LP10 b4.
the 1st two guns failed to help in training esp your trigger finger via dry fire as their trigger feeling sucks.

instead, that star 6mm would be more useful to train your standing position and your arm's strength.

for the gamo.. well... we have tested it in range with the "hole fixed"...it failed to reach the 10m target with accuracy... it is just a gun for fun but not competition...

if u are serious on the sport, practice more, get a better practice record and get a real steel like
LP10 or else, have fun !

[ 本帖最後由 hwtang 於 28-2-2013 01:22 編輯 ]
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.

