
E荷B 惡劣經歷

原帖由 Dave 於 4-8-2014 09:13 發表


不久之前apple 賣 macbk air 都標錯價 50 % off ,apple 做法係「已完成交易」的不作追討,但即時更改價錢,
如果按你的推斷,其實我只要print 左果page  ...
Contract Law 下,只要賣家offer某件物品起某個架錢,而有買家接受左呢個offer.咁Contract 就成立.但買家必須要明確表示佢會按受賣家既offer. 接受方式可以係口頭,信件/E-mail.
而信件/E-mail acceptance 係由信件/E-mail寄出果一刻計起. 如果賣家改變主意就必須起有人接受佢先前既offer之前改變. 姐係要起有人寄出信件/口頭表明接受賣家offer 之前改變主意.
就以你個例子黎講 :

不久之前apple 賣 macbk air 都標錯價 50 % off ,apple 做法係「已完成交易」的不作追討,但即時更改價錢,
如果按你的推斷,其實我只要print 左果page ( 50 % off ) 出黎已經可以追住apple 叫佢賣半價mbk 比我。

apple 的確係可以咁做.因為apple 起 contract law 之下必須賣貨比「已完成交易」既買家
而”其實我只要print 左果page ( 50 % off ) 出黎已經可以追住apple 叫佢賣半價mbk 比我。”呢個講法唔太正確,因為你冇起apple 更改價錢之前向apple 表明你accept 佢個offer. apple 係無須賣比你
除非你起佢更改價錢之前起網上落單/print 左張野,起佢改價錢之前寄信 or email 話你想買50% off 既macbk air.


原帖由 Dave 於 4-8-2014 13:44 發表

理性討論,唔好「開始」攻擊我ok ?

apple 個網,買入方式是按買,信用卡輸入,確定係唔係?
如果有客係「睇」呢個階段睇到平價,按買入時先話要重新載入,載入完個價錢又加左,呢位客人仍然處於「未完成」交 ...
Contract Law 唔係base on 比左錢未/「完成交易」,而係買方既acceptance.
A:冇得追apple. 因為如果要重新載入,載入完個價錢又加左.姐係佢起你accept 之前就改左offer.
eh 係架上見到150 ,行到去櫃台話個價已經改左,客人仍然未完成交易,咁係唔係可以渣住隻手套叫佢一定要賣比你?
A:你係可以渣住隻手套叫佢一定要賣比你,因為你已經accept 左$150 買呢對手套既offer. 大前題係手套上標明$150.表明你accept 左佢個offer, 如果佢du機之後先話250 佢係必須150 賣比你.
咁當然如果你話要新既佢可唔比你,因為佢可以話只係起架上果對係$150. Display 所以先賣$150.

[ 本帖最後由 fire23wong 於 5-8-2014 02:12 編輯 ]


原帖由 ea4101 於 5-8-2014 02:39 發表

以一個好基本的contract law 去睇,
商家放件貨出來並不是一個offer 係invitation to treat,(除非係offer to the world,太複雜,不在此發表)
如果照 ...
係wor, 我只係記得offer, acceptance...唔記得左invitation to treat

Invitation to Treat
There are situations where it is unclear whether one party is making an
acceptance of an offer or is being asked to make an offer. An invitation to
treat is a negotiating statement and a request for an offer.17 “An invitation to
treat is a mere declaration of willingness to enter into negotiations; it is not
an offer, and cannot be accepted so as to form a binding contract.”18

Thus, customers are invited to offer to buy, and traders keep to
themselves the power to choose whether to accept that offer. Thus, the
traders do not show the necessary intent to give the other party the power
to create a contract. Merely fixing a price does not imply an offer to buy
or to sell. For example, the display of goods by a merchant, price-lists,
circulars and advertisements for goods and services are normally considered
to be invitations to treat.19

