
[認真] 移民 運氣槍 問題

移民 運氣槍 問題

我想問大家 ... 我將與父母一起移居英國。 有人知道我能否將氣槍運送到英國嗎?


[ 本帖最後由 piggyman 於 27-10-2020 19:57 編輯 ]

4 個讚好! TOP


我已send email 去UKARA.  他們說不能remote入會,所以,此路不通。反而他指出可以噴為橙色。51%面積。

上面師兄的link, 我會send email去問入面提到的UKAPU.  希望可以啦!

至於賣槍,極之不願意。因為全部係我呢30多年的收藏,雖不是什麼rare items, 但有好幾我花了多年才買到。

回想起,我支Marui M653, M655 都係在CGF(定呢度前身)的forum二手街買返來!


回覆 3# 的帖子

Any contact point??  I will have a try!!  PM me ....


各位師兄,我批槍真係心頭好,比人一定唔捨得。錢唔係問題,想當年出盡辦法找回全部全新馬老二D限量版槍的苦況,得來不二。仲有支M79, Type 56同L1A1 ...

好可能係快手入當地會,之後再安排ship走。不過,本身唔打game ... 希望可能求其出現下,湊夠數便算


There are some updates!

I contacted a local airsoft club which will be closed to the town I station.  They give me some information about UKARA.

1. If you want to become a member of UKARA, you need to go to their site (Registered UKARA site) for 3 times in no less than 2 months.  They will help to sign the gameday off.  Once you get 3 game days, give 2 photo and show passport or driving license.  The will help to process your membership.

2. Without UKARA membership, you can't buy airsoft gun in the UK ... But, you can have it without UKARA membership.  

3. You can import your guns to the UK without UKARA.

This is the summary from the communication between a local UKARA registered site.

OK .. For Point 2 and 3, my understanding is quite different from what we know.  So, to be safe .. better to get your membership first ... Then, ship your airsoft guns to the UK with your UKARA membership number.

OK .. This is what information I collected in these days.  Hope you may find it useful.

