
戰術想定 -TDG98-12 廣場上伏擊

1)Contact with C/O. Request support.
2) Provide cover for Sqd.2 and regroup with Sqd 1.
2) Sitrep of Sqd. 3

I recommend using unit3/1 and unit2/1
1) garrison in the nearest building
2_ and provide supressing fire to the hostile building(s).

For Unit1/1:
1) will try to pop smoke  and guide the Sqd.2 to Unit2/1 + 1/1
2) make contact with C/O as well as Sqd.3 via radio.
3) If: Obj.2 of Unit1/1 achieved, cover the flank for Unit 2/1 and 3/1

Point to note.
As the time is early morning. Sun will be an advantage for the hostile. So never go into the buildings opposite to the enemy.


One more point...
Shooting to the pillars with RPG may cause the collapse of the building.......
As they are made by stones only, not reinforced concrate, RPG troops in our squad are important asset in this situation.
So the building with pillars may be planted with charges. They would not be a good choice for our squards to garrsion in.

[ 本帖最後由 neomarx 於 9-11-2008 21:13 編輯 ]

