原帖由 生命面包 於 21-2-2009 20:36 發表
完全禁止氣槍 同 禁止係公眾地方展示我覺得可以分別存在 .
反而咁多人用d垃圾鬼面罩 同 game 埸管理休息區開槍咁差導致有人受傷 , 呢d 更可以令wargame 被禁
話明小朋友 , 法律知識已經好低 . 而且,係文具店既 ...
I could say there could be many reasons why those children play guns in public area, but these reasons are not excuses to commit offense.
We could do more to teach them safety rules on firearms. But they have their own decisions to follow or not.
無私: 0.81/10, 正直: 0.82/10, 客觀: 0.78/10, 責任: 1.00/10
寬大: 0.53/10, 誠實: 0.76/10, 領導力: 1.25/10, 整體: 接近 0/10