原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 15:56 發表 平呀嗎,, 個時個隻成兩舊水...而家130 搞掂...不過我鍾意舊款多d..哈哈..
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 15:58 發表 多謝各位, 而家要慢慢等隻handstop 同睇下kac 點搞d rail cover.
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:14 發表 My plan is to send it to professional to have it cerakote. I am pretty sure prime upper is fine, but I am worry about the lower. I guess I just have to give it a try...
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:36 發表 Just sold my VFC KAC mid-length. I guess I may crash on a real one now.
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:37 發表 Yes, that's why I am kinda shy to send it for creakote. But, hell no...we all spend way more than a actual RS.
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:39 發表 而家都唔知點搵舊款, 除非有二手..
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:40 發表 yes, thinking about the whole upper+ rail and lower...
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:41 發表 I know...I was like...man, it will never happen if I am not in KAC heaven (FL).
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:42 發表 最正係條urxiii 係深刻, 上左油都仲見到個marking... 呢樣係urxii 做唔到既..
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:44 發表 Haha, only if I have vacation and time and most important money...haha... flying over there is like flying back to HK...
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 16:47 發表 Oh, man, don't show me that... sent email to rainier arms, $240 for creakote for all parts is such a good deal.. but I am still little bit shy...to send my airsoft parts...haha... plus I probab ...
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 17:07 發表 我驚我問個間, 佢見我係airsoft, 第時唔買野俾我, 歧視我地d 玩玩具槍既...哈哈...所以決定搵另一間...哈哈..
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 17:22 發表 好難得搵到呢個dealer...唔想整"喎"佢.
原帖由 jpg 於 6-5-2011 17:31 發表 感覺輕D D, 不過可以話係III 好揸手過II.