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小 發表於 25-11-2010 20:09 顯示全部帖子
引用:commissioner /kəˈmɪʃənə(r)/ DJ /kə'mɪʃənɚ/ KK
a member of a commission(= an official group of people who are responsible for controlling something or finding out about something) (委員會的)委員,專員,特派員
the Church Commissioners(= the group of people responsible for controlling the financial affairs of the Church of England) 英國國教會財政管理委員會委員
European Commissioners 歐洲委員會委員
Alternate: Commissioner usually
the head of a particular police force in some countries 警察局長;警長
the Metropolitan Police Commissioner(= in London) 倫敦警察局局長
Variant: police commissioner
the head of a government department in some countries (政府部門的)首長,長官
the agriculture/health commissioner 農業╱衞生廳長
Commissioner Rhodes was unavailable for comment. 羅茲局長無暇評論。
See also: High Commissioner
(in the US) an official chosen by a sports association to control it (美國體育協會的)總幹事,主管人
鑽呢d字眼又有咩意義呢?係人都知道總版主話緊大陸d官員, 大陸公務員分十幾級,級級都係官哦!副科長咪一樣都有貪污幾百萬o既~~~~
街道辦事處o既副科級主任咪一樣都係commissioner?中國傳統既職銜系統,你用英文能準確解釋得到先奇 警察叔叔是領導嗎?
[ 本帖最後由 seamoncheng 於 25-11-2010 20:12 編輯 ]