
Model Gun Collection

如果唔係成日玩, 槍身用silicon油輕輕塗抹, 入玻璃膠袋, 然後才放係槍盒好好收藏, 唔知咁樣可唔可以讓色澤持久一些。


回覆 61# 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 vgrdragon1 於 16-8-2019 23:42 編輯 ]


原帖由 mikesham 於 16-8-2019 21:40 發表
如果唔係成日玩, 槍身用silicon油輕輕塗抹, 入玻璃膠袋, 然後才放係槍盒好好收藏, 唔知咁樣可唔可以讓色澤持久一些。
我都想知 上油落d Jupiter Finish到係咪會好d

之前買槍問過童工店長(穿著深色Polo果位中年壯男) 他建議Jupiter Finish係不需要落油

請問師兄有落油的習慣嗎? 效果如何?


我有落油,冇 negative effect,覺得冇壞。


原帖由 kornhill401 於 14-8-2019 17:12 發表

十分期待樓主的Rampant Classic 的 SAA 分享.
Rampant Classic 早期的模型槍是由大名鼎鼎六研 (Rocken) 的設計師六人部登負責設計, 其超高水準的出品受到美國Colt 的青睞,授以日本市場的獨家 license。Rampant Classic 只出 Colt SAA,真槍數, 部分型號的塑料素材加入了高比率的鎢合金, 做出了稱為 Hammer Locklite 的超高比重。 佢哋每支槍都係限量生產, 支支精品, 有齊證書編號,個人覺得收藏價值頗高。

下面兩支分別係 2nd gen 3" Sheriff's model (限量 180支) 及 5.5" Nickel (限量1000支 [1000支都叫限量 ) 。支 Sheriff's model 只係一般的 Locklite, 並非超高比重, 但拿上手weight balance 一流, 部分surface 做咗泛藍光處理,配以木 grip 。支 Nickel 則是 ABS的,較輕, 但一樣好靚。

[img]IMG_20190817_010709_439 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_010943_559 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_011657_667 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_012051_667 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_011835_698 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_011048_924 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_011302_573 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_011944_190 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_010810_519 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_012145_858 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190817_011534_606 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[ 本帖最後由 mikesham 於 17-8-2019 02:19 編輯 ]

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回覆 63# 的帖子



我賣曬D相機鏡頭, 入模型槍, 騰空左個電子防潮箱, 特別喜愛的槍 就放入防潮箱擺藏, 唔怕潮濕


原帖由 mikesham 於 17-8-2019 01:30 發表
我有落油,冇 negative effect,覺得冇壞。
多謝師兄分享 等我試下上油 用的是Marui既Silicone Oil Spray


原帖由 vgrdragon1 於 17-8-2019 01:45 發表
的確 我有把stainless finish既槍 比較常把玩 之後發現槍身起了一撻撻漬
現在用silicone oil 一抹 輕易清理乾淨


手槍型號:.44 AUTO MAG


[ 本帖最後由 kornhill401 於 23-6-2024 00:43 編輯 ]

1 個讚好! TOP

MGC 係槍街的確唔多見, 呢支 .44 auto mag 更加少見!!

如果冇記錯, 早期的Marushin 及 Kokusai 都出過支金屬的, 當然就更加難找了。

[ 本帖最後由 mikesham 於 17-8-2019 12:23 編輯 ]


MGC (Model Gun Corporation)


The oldest and most known modelgun manufacturer. Company was founded in 1959 as "Japan Modelgun Collection Association", changed the name to MGC in early 1980s. Initially MGC sold imported toyguns (Mattel, Hubley, Nichols) and worked on making them more realistic.

MGC was one of the first (beside Hudson) Japanese company to produce self-designed modelgun in 1962. In 1960s they have released a few unique steel-made models (MP40, Sten MkIII, Sterling). Their first employee (hired by founder and owner of MGC) and designer of most of the models was Tazuo (Tanio) Kobayashi.

In early 1960s MGC designed and manufactured modelguns that were sold under their own brands by other toygun shops, for example "INT" brand (later became Kokusai). Eventually MGC established their own brand "MGC BondShop", while other shops moved on to design and manufacture modelguns by themselves.

In late 1980s based on "Star Wars" popularity, MGC released translucent "SF" modelguns: Automag, Sig P210 and Sig Flash. They could not really be fired (quickly became opaque ;-) ), but allowed to show inner workings of models.

Over the years MGC (and Tanio Kobayashi) contributed many inventions to this hobby:
- mechanical action modelgun, using "Tanio action" or "slide action" where mechanical lever moves slide when trigger is pressed. This extremely simple design works surpisingly well.
- windup action modelgun, where M3A1 (undersized, made of steel) could be wound up first, and trigger press made bolt fly back and forth simulating full auto action.
- first working cap blowback design, with "BLK" cartridges (open type).
- improved cap blowback design with "CP-BLK", where piston helps to use more cap energy. Today this is still probably the best cartridge type when it comes to efficiency.

Apart from modelguns, MGC designed and manufactured airsoft replicas, also introducing many new mechanisms such as the first pistol with internal gas tank and blowback function.

Unfortunately company went bankrupt in 1994. According to Tanio this was caused by the President losing interest in modelguns. Production was taken over by Taito, and later Shin Nihon Mokei (SNM), you can see these brands on some of the models released at the time. Some of MGC workers moved to work at KSC.

After some time company was reactivated as New MGC, and specialized in Colt 1911 variantes. New MGC continued production until 2007, when it was closed for the second time (?).

Surprisingly, in 2009, a few models were released to celebrate 50 years of MGC foundation: Colt 1911 variants and M31 shotgun. Announcement on MGC building says that production will cease on the 30th of April 2010.

http://mp40modelguns.forumotion. ... del-gun-corporation


講咗咁多左輪, 輪到講下手槍。日本大部份的model gun手槍(包括左輪及長火),其實是cap gun,玩家在cap彈(彈頭有窿)裝入火藥粉,開槍後會發出“爆炸”聲,有blow back,跳殼等真槍動作。不過由於香港禁止使用火藥,所以本地玩家只可手拉滑架玩跳殼(都幾好玩架)。正由於model / cap gun 是以火藥粉而非gas作動力,所以操作跟真槍一樣,內裡結構亦非常接近真鐵,對追求忠實還原的玩家來說,是不二之選。

半自動手槍中我最喜歡M1911,其經典設計,真的百看不厭,難怪它從一戰服役至今,歷久不衰。但由於M1911有太多衍生型號、改裝型號,滑架又有多不勝數的不同 marking,而且除 Colt外,還有好幾家槍廠曾參與生產,所以要儲齊都幾頭痛,亦都好難做到。我唯有收窄範圍,以不同槍管尺寸、口徑、槍廠,再加上一些自己喜歡的marking,作為搜集收藏目標,但至今仍未集齊。

M1911模型槍,出得最多的是MGC,數最準最正的據說是六研(好貴)、Elan的都唔平、Hobby Fix 都有出(一樣唔平), 還有依家仲出緊的CAW,數算準,價錢相對中庸。

下面先來一支MGC 的M1911 Delta Elite。 Delta ELite 的特色是採用 10mm Auto 的子彈, 而非一般M1911所使用的 .45 ACP,仲有係grip上面佢獨有的三角紅色 logo。

[img]IMG_20190817_215130_539 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190812_135958_974 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190812_135836_658 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190812_135726_883 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190812_135640_769 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[img]IMG_20190812_140039_922 by qw c, 於 Flickr[/img]

[ 本帖最後由 mikesham 於 17-8-2019 22:46 編輯 ]

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原帖由 mikesham 於 17-8-2019 22:17 發表
講咗咁多左輪, 輪到講下手槍。日本大部份的model gun手槍(包括左輪及長火),其實是cap gun,玩家在cap彈(彈頭有窿)裝入火藥粉,開槍後會發出“爆炸”聲,有blow back,跳殼等真槍動作。不過由於香港禁止使 ...
e 把之前出現於童工 以天價放售 想不到落於師兄手中


而且我尼支 Delta Elite 絕對唔係天價 六研, Elan 個D先係 ,但我一支都無,等緊其他師兄分享

我大部份 model gun 都是一般價錢,除左上面blue左個支 Python 同一撻撻vintage jupiter 既SAA外。但甘多支前前後後加埋都真係幾傷荷包

