原帖由 Hkpolice-Psu 於 30-9-2009 10:07 發表
如果一支正常無特別o係波箱做手腳ge兩面至低中波箱, 其實都幾大聲, 但係落左滅聲器之後, 真係好好多
但係,gbb最嘈果下聲係bolt backward果下, 要無聲不如玩正壓但係份bolt唔郁
I think it all depends on the setting.
For GBB, my experience is that for 正壓 + short barrel (e.g. 7"
, the effect is apparent. But still, the bolt (and buffer)of a GBB M4 (WA system)is loud. It's like firing it w/o loading BB.