1) 原裝可否頂9.6V <== OK, but better install delater first.
2) 追到彈嗎? <== Not so good, better change the motor inside or see below.
3) 請問HOP UP問題要點解決 <== Change the hop up rubber and spray more silicon oil, cheapest is Guardxr.
4) 請問波箱D耐件 同唔同一般槍果D? (拍頭,氣缸,齒等) <== I feel it is good as normal gear box. But i've change the inner barrel. i use it more than 10 times for wargame, I use about 3000 rounds per day. Still no problems.
Stxr just released a new mag. box fog M60, that's no need to insert battery and take power form the Airsoft, but have to do some adjust on old version.