#1 – $598,000
Finally, THE most expensive firearm sold during the auction was a Winchester Model 1866 lever action rifle. This gun has a number of features valued by firearms collectors. The brass receiver, butt plate, and forearm tip are gold plated. The side panels house an engraved scene called “On the Rocky Mountains”. It is also in a remarkably good condition. Another factor that makes this gun so valuable is that it is the only factory made Winchester 1866 with a maple stock. And last but not least, this rifle comes in a factory case.
舉個例! 近期呢支auction要四百五十萬
如果有(九成有)宿版槍出過! 個價錢可能再要多三倍價值! Say 港元為一千三百五十萬! 有錢佬投資玩意!
點解有宿版槍出現! 以前班出名(Gunsmith)工匠生產完一個型號款式槍支後就會在有空時間手造一小批量宿版槍作記念! 當過身後班後人可能送給别人而再轉下轉下到收臧家手中.......
本帖最後由 rho837 於 24-3-2018 12:36 編輯 ]