此戰術經常由Disciplinary Forces的 Double Team二人戰術入面使用,在wargame世界裹可能亦好好用,我與自己夾開的partner亦經常使用,發揮得不錯,大家不況在CGF分亨下此心得
Formation of High-Low Tactics:-
1) involve 2 partners only
2) One in standing position and the other one in kneeling position
3) The standing partner (SP)stand behind the kneeling partner (KP)
4) SP use one of his front kneel to keep contact with KP, let him know that SP still stand behind to cover him
5) SP should always hold his gun either upward or aiming at the target, never point down towards KP
6) KP should always hold his gun either downward or aiming at the target, never point up towards SP
1) Increase firing power
2) SP cover KP when KP is reloading or taking care of his malfunction weapons
3) Only one cover or concealment provided for 2 shooters in some gun-fight scenario
4).....may be more.....
Please note that the photo demo shown below is not a perfect one, as the participants were only a novice in this drill, I hope I could show some profession demo in the future
本帖最後由 Medic_Don 於 24-8-2007 18:47 編輯 ]