
How to recharge the Bowman prr wrieless ptt battery?

How to recharge the Bowman prr wrieless ptt battery?

請問有冇咩方法可以 recharge Bowman prr wireless battery?


Stanley... the 3.6V li-ion battery inside the PTT can be recharged thu radio fq Tx from main unit , provided if the PTT is still in good condition. ...



How to recharge the Bowman prr wrieless ptt battery?

Hi loop,
Thank you for your reply first.But the method & produce can you tell me?
Because I try many times before.
Best Regards,


What I do was just use it as per normal and keep the main unit on......nothing special..... and it last. except one of my unit has a little problem..(it wont connect to the main unit when first power up, nomally will takes 5 mins or something)...i will open it up and change the battery in a later stage...

PS: May be the battery is dead in your case??


How to recharge the Bowman prr wrieless ptt battery?

I know the wireless ptt's battery is no problem,is  only have this way to recharge it?Just to turn on the prr for five min. or more and the wireless ptt will be recharge agin.No other things need to do?
Thank you so much.


原帖由 stanleywong 於 30-6-2009 23:37 發表
I know the wireless ptt's battery is no problem,is  only have this way to recharge it?Just to turn on the prr for five min. or more and the wireless ptt will be recharge agin.No other things need to d ...
I think so, that's what I've been doing. Cus, I m sure that the battery of one of my ptt is nearly dead and it won't work as soon as I power up the main unit... But, once the main unit is up for a short while the ptt will get charged up and work again...


Thank you for comment.

