原帖由 rickykeikei 於 14-4-2012 16:15 發表
I suggest to watch Battle of LOS Angelas than this , this movie is rubbish and I laugh when i saw the warriors from outerspace[their body aromors just the one that mix with halo war , crysis and deads ...
如果外星人派一班先頭部隊嚟地球探路, 點知音訊全無咁唔見晒, 仲會派大部隊嚟?
咁一開始就派大軍嚟啦, 洗乜先派5隻船落嚟啫...而且當地球人了解咗外星人既科技之後就可以搵出對付佢地既方法
不過World Invasion的確係好睇d既