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原帖由 潛陣水 於 12-2-2013 18:19 發表

同雙非侵占差唔多姐, 明明我地有福利但係又比班"合法"居民奪去, 不難理解
君 不 須 防 人 不 肖 , 眼 前 鬼 卒 皆 為 妖 ;
秦 王 徒 把 長 城 築 , 禍 去 禍 來 因 自 招.
何為邪鬼何為神, 神鬼如何兩不分!
但管信邪修正外, 何愁天地不知聞!


原帖由 loveless 於 12-2-2013 15:35 發表
destrutive devices are what military is about, how is that being another story?
So on one hand you define arms as military weapons, which you so fiercely oppose being taken away from you, yet at the  ...
Destructive device was banned( higly regulated)since 1934, I personally think it is okay for people have such device if they are in good hand. Same goes with semi auto fireamrs, I feel safer when good people with guns around me.
Let the government tyranny thing left a side first but self defense is the most valid argument for us to bare arms.
I personally is pro gun. I would rather count on a 1911 than 911.
Remember police do not have the obligation to save your life and when seconds count, police are only minutes away!
I don't see the need for a so called "assault weapon" ban , the word assault weapon is created by the democrats and the pro democratic media.
I think we have the ability to know what is a real assault weapons and what is a civilian sporting rifle.


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