

原帖由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 00:53 發表

Off couse not - the rifles are full  metal replicas and with operating metal bolts and genuine M16A2 front grips - sprayed to authentic  AR15 colour  and then indiviudally reinforced by the l ...
so, it's REAL or NOT????

how much is it???

further more~~ why not using SA80? as air cadet have using it a long time, and I have still see it in some HKACC Squadan unit


(1) Replica rifles - in other words - not real. Real M16A2 front grips and real M7 Bayonets (but chrome plated and made blunt and safe).

(2) How much - $2000 base unit, $500 service charge for structural reinforcement by the arms dealer, $400 to $500 for the M-7 Bayonet plus chroming and "blunting"

(2) Political correctness - SA80 is only used by the British Armed Forces. AR15 is used by the HK government.

The metal AR15 replica is the only officially authorised HKACC Drill Purpose Rifle (there are even written regulations governing its uses). SA80 replicas are used by very few units as "toy guns" and can no longer be carried at any formal parades.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 01:29 編輯 ]


very details! thx

SURPRISE that Air Cadets using over $3000 rifle in each Guards cadet!

[ 本帖最後由 bg12_2 於 21-5-2008 01:36 編輯 ]


原帖由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 00:53 發表

Off couse not - the rifles are full  metal replicas and with operating metal bolts and genuine M16A2 front grips - sprayed to authentic  AR15 colour  and then indiviudally reinforced by the l ...



I suggested to Lt Cdr CHOW who is in charge of Drill in HKSCC to consider adopting the new metal SA80 air soft guns, as Brigadier Chris Hammerbeck (Commander of 4 Armd Bde at the first Gulf War in 1991), CE of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong mentioned last year at one social occasion that after seeing HKACC Honour Guards, the BCC was willling to donate some surplus SA80 bayonets to HKSCC. To what extent the HKSCC embrace (or otherwise) the idea I don't know.


原帖由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 01:41 發表
I suggested to Lt Cdr CHOW who is in charge of Drill in HKSCC to consider adopting the new metal SA80 air soft guns, as Brigadier Chris Hammerbeck (Commander of 4 Armd Bde at the first Gulf War i ...
but how can real bayonet put on the SA80 air soft guns?????


may be the new metal ones can allow bayonet fixing ... I don't know, up to HKSCC to find out themselves..I only passed on the tips that no less than Brig Hammerbeck of the Desert Jerboa was willing to influence the local British Chamber of Commerce to support.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 01:57 編輯 ]


HKAC lo , 最正啦, 有性趣咪入黎受下訓lor !!


原帖由 Shan10 於 21-5-2008 02:09 發表
HKAC lo , 最正啦, 有性趣咪入黎受下訓lor !!
but the DRILL of HKAC is much retrogress that J Corps....... bad drill with good rifle~

my friend is a HKAC Sgt Maj, that what he told


原帖由 bg12_2 於 21-5-2008 01:33 發表
very details! thx

SURPRISE that Air Cadets using over $3000 rifle in each Guards cadet!
Resources put to frontline.  You may also be surpirsed that each 20 min helicopter flight for cadet costs on average $425 per head ($300 for R44 and $550 per head for EC120), and there are up to 1200 flights each year, subject to weather and aircraft serviceability

Each glider schcholarship costs at least $13,000, there  are 5 each year, plus one  full $30000 scholarship

Each of the 6 x 10-hr flyiing scholarships  costs $20,000 apiece. The four one month scholarships to Adelaide cost more than $100,000 each (inlcuding flight training costs, room and board, return air fare).

The annual RAF Training Team visit costs $50,000 to $100,000 each year, depending on content.

The 14 HKACC Ceremonial Swords were specially ordered from Wilkinson based on the RAF design but with custom engravings such as HKSAR Bauhinia, and HKACC Roundel in lieu of the Crown above the Air Force eagle. They come in three lengths of blade for use by officers of different statures (32 in [standard], 30 in, 28 in [especially for ladies]). Each costs $17,000 including ceremonial belt. The next batch of swords are likely to be ordered from Germany where a company has bought the toolings and rights of Wilkinson's

Don't get me wrong, just wish to illustrate that it is not a simple operation to run a Cadet Corps and to provide good leadership and aviation educaiton for our young people.

[ 本帖最後由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 14:33 編輯 ]


原帖由 Shan10 於 21-5-2008 02:09 發表
HKAC lo , 最正啦, 有性趣咪入黎受下訓lor !!
不過我覺得最唔似英軍係HKAC, d官就著到成個英軍咁好靚, 不過d仔就.......



原帖由 Royal_9413 於 21-5-2008 12:42 發表

不過我覺得最唔似英軍係HKAC, d官就著到成個英軍咁好靚, 不過d仔就.......


原帖由 auxair 於 21-5-2008 09:40 發表

Resources put to frontline.  You may also be surpirsed that each 20 min helicopter flight for cadet costs on average $425 per head ($300 for R44 and $550 per head for EC120), and there are up ...
RAF Training Team?? Mountain Rescue like CAS??


原帖由 小子1008 於 21-5-2008 14:24 發表

like this~~~

[ 本帖最後由 bg12_2 於 25-8-2008 16:38 編輯 ]


原帖由 bg12_2 於 21-5-2008 14:59 發表

RAF Training Team?? Mountain Rescue like CAS??
Check this out please
http://302.no-ip.org/cgi-bin/302 ... pic=946&show=30

