原帖由 odyssey2007 於 25-7-2010 17:36 發表
都話睇番個situation, 得番單邊engine 既話以f22 既thrust vectoring 頂多做到少少pitching, 有咩用?
engine 就算o係咁既環境o係4 秒裡面俾到respon 你, 唔好唔記得你只係得一個engine, 仲要唔知上唔上得切high pow ...
MFD+HUD(If function select)+VOICE會出
"bleed air right" + "engine right", "Caution" + "Warning" button + Alarm.
讀個Civ PPL都會教你點做, 一個熟練的Pilot理應了解自己部機的Aerodynamic同flight control, 唔會做出Over Limitation 既事, 由求會致命, 可述係一個Combat Aviator, 唔會你Left Eng INOP敵人就唔打你架ma
而500ft係唔多, 但做到既野唔可以話小, 由求對一部aerodynamic instability咁好既機, 一日你部A/C有Airflow都仲可以郁.
小弟對師兄提出4-8秒內, Engine唔能夠時間respon好有疑問, 除非部機係Full Loading Weapon & Fuel, 否則反應唔會話stall左都未有thrust. 作為一部5th Gen Fighter, 唔會以係4-8秒內respon thrust, 同唔可以achive幾Kts?
經十幾分鐘search完又search, 得知F-15c任可情況下可以4秒內由idle到Full Thrust. 仲搵到句咁既樣, 但師兄應該又會話一邊INOP, 但好像我一直都提及INOP, 亦沒有忘記帶來的pepenalties...(F-22試過4500ft做yoyo maneuver落番唔低過2000ft, 當然both eng ok)
"The two-dimensional nozzle vectors thrust 20 degrees up and down for improved aircraft agility. This vectoring increases the roll rate of the aircraft by 50 percent and has features that contribute to the aircraft stealth requirements."
And 師兄我提出的Civ案例是指 Exceed而唔係Standard Operation AOA, 而唔係話佢地AOA大, 講AOA大, Military Cargo可以仲大. 竟然談到slotted flap呀
事發中CF-18又無事->Tailspin目視估計只係drop左no more than 100ft.
"In aerodynamics, the flight envelope or performance envelope of an aircraft refers to the capabilities of a design in terms of airspeed and load factor or altitude."
"計算AOA+Low Speed帶多的penalties落埋去, 小弟目視估計當時at least 500ft+"我句野又有事?
,講緊AOA + Low Speed Performance limitation.
車同飛機都有樣叫minimum turning radius既東西, 做特技時都excced左呢個limit, 造成好多的能量流失.........但...與直線Flyby無關係哦...
btw師兄有無學過stall/tailspin recovery呢...