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call for help

call for help

I got one Marui M4, had upgrade to GuarderSp90 spring and Marui EG 1000 motor, it works before.
This holiday I open the gear box and just put some grease on the gear and tested again, it doesn't work, - the motor work, but seems very hard to pull the cyclinder ,need to pull the trigger many times to finish one single shoot, I tested with one China 1100 mah battery.
(1)Is it the battery not enough power to pull the gear ?
(2)or the motor spring/motor gear not fitted ?


try test with better battery and/or higher mAh,
1100 mAh should be not enought,try with atlease 8.4v 1500mAh(better 1700....but u cant put into the front cover)


should not be the battery problem, sp90 spring can activated by a 8.4v 600mah battery --
providing that your battery works. (so u can test the battery by just connecting the motor with the wires without putting it into the grip)

it looks like the gears have problem.

try to reopen the gearbox and reset all the shims.
try to make sure the gears are in right position before you close the gearbox
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.


Thanks brother, is it usual power to use 8.4/1500 mah for those general setting, does it hurt the gear/motor, I always use my RC car battery eg. 7.2 watt..(  cause I am not expert and never join war game only test the gun at home)..thx


Thanks brother hwtang.,I tested the battery and motor without close the grip - it works !
But when I close the grip, it doesn't work , I try to pull the motor in with my thumb, it need to pull the trigger many times to finish one single shoot, and cannot auto fire.
I follow the manual and open and close the gear box 5 times , same situation.
I will tested it with more power battery first , if still the same,I think need spent some money at KW St. to ask for help...thanks.


原帖由 yth 於 2-1-2008 17:27 發表
Thanks brother, is it usual power to use 8.4/1500 mah for those general setting, does it hurt the gear/motor, I always use my RC car battery eg. 7.2 watt..(  cause I am not expert and never join  ...
8.4/1500 mah is acceptable.
7.2v is only sufficient to power stock gun

mAh is only the "volume" of battery, it makes no big difference between 1100 and 1500 mah
NEVER try to push the gun with higher power battery in this stage.
the result would be damaging the piston and gears if you do this without knowing the true reason
for the jamming of the gears.

as u have mentioned u are not expert and never join wargame, i guess the main problem is you
have wrongly adjust the shims and cause the gears jamming each other.

[ 本帖最後由 hwtang 於 2-1-2008 17:45 編輯 ]
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.


Please read this on how to set the shims

Quoted from ODDAN
http://forum.wargame-operation.c ... &extra=page%3D2

[零件篇] -- 3. 齒輪篇


平齒虛位大 , 每一槍當天梯放鬆後都有少少齒輪撞擊聲
而且平齒運作果陣無橫向拉力 , 所以即試攝介子厚度爭 D , 影響唔算好大

令每隻齒做得更細隻 , 可以營做出更大齒輪比
但係當佢運作時 , 由於斜齒有橫向拉力
但係係攝介子既時後就要留意 , 如果你當左佢係平齒甘攝
對於斜齒黎講 , 攝介子既要求比較高
因為斜齒一運作就有橫向拉力 , 變左如果之前就甘放落去攝 OK 左
但係當佢運作時 , 齒輪就會有拉力互相扯近 , 而壓逼介子
之前無壓力放落去得 , 但係一有 Loading 就會壓逼介子而令介子厚度唔同左
基本攝介子 "總厚度" 相若

但係係齒平面間 , 要比多少少 (0.1~0.08 <視乎所需>) 位佢作擠壓位

前波會用斜齒 , 後波用平齒
所以你成日聽到車入左後波行起上黎嘈 D
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.


Thanks all brother, its very heipful, will try again and report..thanks.


check the motor base the screw is it screw up too many? some time screw up too many will make the motor can"t turn.


I got one pack Systema shims now, is it  put one piece shim on both side of each gear will be OK?...thx


唔係隨便放gar, 你要set到d齒唔會left right郁...同時又唔太緊頂死d齒.
如上面樓主講, 你係咪motor底粒screw摟得太緊呢?
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.


原帖由 yth 於 3-1-2008 12:48 發表
I got one pack Systema shims now, is it  put one piece shim on both side of each gear will be OK?...thx
攝介子無固定公式 , 只有固定概念

1. 每隻齒攝介子要盡量唔好攝死
如多一塊介子過緊 , 少一塊介子過鬆的話 , 寧願鬆 D 好過緊 D

2. 盡量增加兩隻齒既嵌接面 , 同時又要令兩者平面之間有虛位
確保係最少多餘磨擦之中 , 而又有足夠之帶動負載力

3. 介子係加減數 , 盡量搵 D 唔同厚度既介子去攝
我用 0.12 , 0.3 , 0.5


a. 0.12mm

b. 0.12 x 2 =0.24mm

c. 0.3mm

d. 0.12 x 3 =0.36mm

e. 0.3 + 0.12 =0.42mm

f. 0.12 x 4 =0.48mm

g. 0.5mm

h. 0.3 + 0.12 x 2 =0.54mm

i. 0.3 x 2 =0.6mm

j. 0.5 + 0.12 =0.62mm

k. 0.3 + 0.12 x 3 =0.66mm

l. 0.3 x 2 + 0.12 =0.72mm

m. 0.5 + 0.12 x 2 =0.74mm

n. 0.3 + 0.12 x 4 =0.78mm

o. 0.5 + 0.3 =0.8mm

p. 0.5 + 0.12 x 3 =0.86mm

有甘多種配合 , 呢個配合太緊 , 咪 set 低一級 , set 鬆 D , 都係緊 , 再 set 低一級 , 如此類推

4. 夾好波箱 , 用手轉動齒輪 (通常係轉拉橋齒 , 即係最頂果隻)
   轉得郁 --> 用工具係軸位兩邊篤下 , 有鬆位就揭開佢 , 係鬆果隻齒攝緊少少 , 無太多鬆位而又轉得順就成功
   轉唔郁 --> 用工具係軸位兩邊篤下 , 如果有隻齒兩邊篤連少少虛位都無 , 就攝少一隻介子 , 再重覆步驟試

http://forum.wargame-operation.c ... &extra=page%3D1


4. 夾好波箱 , 用手轉動齒輪 (通常係轉拉橋齒 , 即係最頂果隻)
   轉得郁 --> 用工具係軸位兩邊篤下 , 有鬆位就揭開佢 , 係鬆果隻齒攝緊少少 , 無太多鬆位而又轉得順就成功
   轉唔郁 --> 用工具係軸位兩邊篤下 , 如果有隻齒兩邊篤連少少虛位都無 , 就攝少一隻介子 , 再重覆步驟試

very clear and helpful for beginner like me, will try again and report...many thanks brother odaan.


ODDAN兄出品, 必屬佳品, HAHA
射擊之道: 起射線上,無情,無欲,無念.射不動心.有欲之射,必成濫射;無欲之射,方成精射;無射之射,是為至射也.


REPORT - the latest situation of my M4 gear box : I had place shims for the gears but still jammed when it contact with the motor.....
But finally I get what happen...the reason was the red and black wire inside the grip were not place very smooth, it affect the angle of the motor gear when it fit in the gear box, when I place the wire smooth and feel the motor get in freely, the gear box work !!!...really ..**XYZ...


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