


The guns fall silent now as the eleventh hour strikes the clock

Pale men appear from trenches, cold shaking and ashen with shock!

For them the war is over but not the nightmare of the Somme

99 年前戰爭完了...
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


原帖由 kornhill401 於 14-11-2017 17:30 發表
賣細細的..紅色塑膠花..籌款. Thx for sharing.
罌粟花係比利時一個叫FLANDERS 既地方係隨地都有既花黎. 而呢個地方係一戰其中一個最慘烈既戰場. 而呢D 花隨住一個叫JOHN MCCRAE 既加拿大籍軍醫既一首叫"IN FLANDERS FIELDS" 既詩而出名, 亦因而變成停戰日同埋國殤紀念日 (每年最近11 月11 號既星期日)既象徵. 更廣義就係用黎紀念所有為國捐軀既軍人. 罌粟膠花 (明顯, 真花無得賣. 罌粟花另一個用途係用黎整鴉片)香港依家都重有得賣, 係退伍軍人協會搞. 呢幾日返工都見到有D 人會戴住.

SAD FACT: 當時德意志帝國唔係突然投降, 而係交戰雙方同意停火, 所以大家都知戰事會係11 月11 號 11點11 分完結. 所以盟軍係停火前, 將所有火力都放晒去戰線上, 去到最後一刻都依然要繼續一場無謂既殺戮, 係去到11 點11 分, 突然間就完全靜晒, 就係我一樓PHILIP HENDYDAVIES 個首"WHEN THE GUNS FALL SILENT" 既節錄:

"The guns fall silent now as the eleventh hour strikes the clock
Pale men appear from trenches, cold shaking and ashen with shock!
For them the war is over but not the nightmare of the Somme"

而"最後的崗位" (THE LAST POST) 係一首英國及英聯邦國家用既號角旋律, 有士兵死亡, 國殤紀念日, 和平紀念日 (二戰) 都會吹奏用黎紀念死者, 默哀兩分鐘, 然後吹一首叫起床號"REVEILLE"既野 (不過今日更多會用"ROUSE". 歷史上佢係荷蘭(定唔記得丹麥)既旋律, 呢首歌16 17 世紀時原本用黎同D 係酒吧飲緊酒既士兵講, 夠鐘, 要返軍營, 酒吧要息燈. 但係後來原因不明就用左黎做今日佢既用途. 今日既香港警察, 因為歷史關係, 都重係用緊呢首歌黎去紀念殉職既同袍 -- 雖然, 題外話, 學警畢業操已經唔再用"英國擲彈兵" (THE BRITISH GRENADIERS).

最尾兩個隨意既SUPER C 同E ABOVE SUPER C, 吹得好既話有個種"HAUNTING" 既味道係度. 例子 (澳洲空軍): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McCDWYgVyps

[ 本帖最後由 derp 於 14-11-2017 21:37 編輯 ]
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke


回覆 6# 的帖子

噢, 我成日以為係同一樣野黎, 都係叫poppy flower. 點都好, 呢種花個色好搶眼, 但係個樣又好簡單, 得幾塊花瓣, 似係叫緊人一方面唔好忘記, 另一方面又唔好掩飾 -- 唔好文過飾非.
"At the common law no man can be prohibited from working at any lawful trade, for the law abhors idleness."

Sir Edward Coke

