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有無人睇過 ? 記述2014年烏克蘭抗擊俄國入侵戰爭片

MH17國際調查團報告指, 導彈係由親俄恐怖份子控制地區射出, 鄰近俄羅斯邊境

在MH-17被擊落前, 附近地區已有16架各類烏克蘭軍機被擊落

從殘骸中確認導彈形號屬山毛櫸導彈(9M38M1導彈), 彈頭形號9N314M
殘骸形號最初獲山毛櫸生產商確認, 是配合Buk M1發射車的9M38M1導彈, 雖然事後生產商受俄方壓力改口供, 推說9M38M1已全部退役及出售外國, 但此說有兩處漏洞:
1.此款導彈所用彈頭9N314M獨特破片造成之蝴蝶型孔洞, 確實偏佈全機;
2.9M38M1在2013俄國軍演以至2015年俄國境內之勝利日巡遊仍有亮相, 詳細考證 : https://www.bellingcat.com/news/ ... to-shoot-down-mh17/

裝有9M38M1導彈的Buk M1發射車, 則被居民發現由俄羅斯偷運入烏克蘭境內發射, 然後運回俄羅斯
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/ ... gcat-investigation/

https://www.onderzoeksraad.nl/en ... h-mh17-17-july-2014

media summary :
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... sh-Russia-live.html
https://www.theguardian.com/worl ... e-malaysia-airlines

The investigation found:

The missile was fired from an arable field 6km south of the town of Snizhne, an area was under the control of pro-Russia fighters.
The Buk came from Russian territory into eastern Ukraine and was later transported on a white Volvo truck. Witnesses, photographs and video show it escorted by several other vehicles and by “armed men in uniform”.

-Around 100 people have been identified who can be linked to the downing of MH17 or the transport of the Buk.
Witnesses at the launch site near the village of Pervomaiskyi reported hearing “a very loud noise” and “a high whistling sound”. They also saw a plume of smoke.
Investigators are now examining who gave the order to smuggle the Buk system into Ukraine, and who gave the order to shoot down MH17.

-Wilbert Paulissen, the head of the Dutch national detective force, told the press conference: “MH17 was shot down by a 9M38 series missile, launched from a Buk-Telar. This Buk-Telar was brought in from the territory of the Russian Federation, and after launch was subsequently returned to Russian Federation territory.”

-Satellite data from the US and the European Space Agency identified the launch site, along with testimony from numerous witnesses, he said.

-Paulissen said the JIT had examined and ultimately rejected other scenarios. They included the possibility that there was a terrorist attack on board the flight, or that it was shot down by a military aircraft. Radar data from Russia and Ukraine proved there were no other planes in the vicinity.
MH-17 Investigation Report Video


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