


SPCA(HK) will be hosting a raffle ticket selling competition from July 26 to September 18, 2008. You are welcome to join together with your family and friends (please note that volunteers must be older than 16 years old).

Thank you very much


Alfred Ma
Fundraising Assistant
Fund Raising Department, SPCA (HK)
Direct line: 2232 5510
Fax: 2511 5590
Website: www.spca.org.hk

[ 本帖最後由 reaper 於 10-7-2008 11:32 編輯 ]


sorry, it is actually from July 26 to September 13, 2008

thank you


the competition part is more like a...motivation,
the primary objective is to raise money for SPCA(HK)


i can only tell you that...i talk to more than 80 girls per day when i am calling for volunteer...


maybe you can explain more on what happened?


First of all, I am sorry for what happened to your kitty. However please do understand that there is a cost to hire the vets as there's no veterinary school in HK until this year.

please consider why Emergency rooms in hk have priorities and start charging people. it is not like we didn't want to help, but there is always a cost and we cannot afford to pay for the medication for all animals.

last but not least, i would like to know where you got the kitties from? I am not trying to start a post war here, but if you are disappointed with SPCA, have you thought about what you could have done for the second kitty after the first kitty died?


All i can say is that it is the responsibility of the owner to take care of their pets. Since we did offer our service, I don't really get what's your point for hating SPCA(HK).

So lets say a parent is mistreating his/ her child, and suddenly the child got very sick.
Can he/ she blame the hospital for not being able to save their children?

you do have a kind heart for taking care of the kitties which is very great. On the other hand, they might be still alive if you sent the kitties to a vet for body check after you took them home. Have you ever try to find the cause of death of the 1st kitty to prevent the same thing happening to the 2nd kitty?

We wanted to take care of animals, but we also have limited power and so we ask the owner to consider the consequences before they keep their pet.


Did they not perform their duty? I was not asking you to examine the death of your 1st kitty, I was saying that maybe you could have brought the 2nd kitty for a body check after the 1st one died.

What is the purpose of 保良局? Do they not protect children? Try to call 保良局 and say your son is very sick...see what they will tell you. Should they change their name too?

There is a purpose for each organization, you think its fair to blame SPCA(HK) for not doing something that they are responsible for?


盡可能為一些無家可歸的動物提供住院的服務,包括:基本的獸疾護理,治療. 甚至大型手術



原帖由 Rager 於 15-7-2008 10:34 發表

"佢叫我打去spca, 咁我打左去啦, 跟住同佢講左我有隻貓b, 唔知咩事, 好似就死咁, 咁可以點, 跟住電話裡面果條友就話, 「急診要1600蚊ga wor, 咁你仲睇唔睇呀?!」,語氣帶囂張, 佢咁講一講, 我當時又真係無錢, 諗多兩諗貓b已經唔得了...."

I do understand that the operator might not be very nice...but please also understand that we did offer instant treatment. On the other hand, how do you interpret 寵物主人應有的責任?


原帖由 Hkpolice-Psu 於 15-7-2008 12:21 發表
有時我真係唔明, 要講自己係慈善團體, 但係個服務收費係咁高, 分分鐘仲高過普通獸醫,

如果又要講保良局的話, 我諗又.....有排講喇, 保良局除左會接收小朋友收, 仲會提供合理收費ge服務, 就好似幼稚園咁, 佢唔會收 ...
收費高...That I totally agree with you
but that is part of the place that we can get money from...
we need money to provide medication and homing for those homeless animals....
please understand that we don't really get that much money from the government...

bottom line is...I do agree that 1600 for emergency service is quite high and I really do feel sorry for your kitties.

Please understand that ER (for human) is cheap in hk because there is governmental support...
(Actually people in HK are very lucky because ER is cheap in HK... but it can cost you 10000 in US)
and considering when theres no governmental support for animal emergency service, 1600 is actually reasonable...

