17 12

sorry admin, pls delete!

sorry admin, pls delete!

pls delete!

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 12-5-2011 05:18 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


有d渣車只係睇車頭幾尺既聰明仔問: 強哥你地整d筒同摩打又唔係賣......留來煲薑咩....!!!
大強只係望住佢笑, 都唔知點 樣答佢.......(海豹叢書98章597節)

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 31-12-2010 02:54 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


- 除左筒,馬達,齒,hopup座同內管流用AR系, 基本其他全部從新做過晒....
- if cant see the pic, then u guys muz pay more hard to reply more posts la.....

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 3-1-2011 14:10 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


原帖由 jpg 於 3-1-2011 16:44 發表

哈哈,有都天價...如果做, 最好做返輕d...
呢d留返比systema或各大改裝廠商解決, 人地造過我地唔搞了....
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


thanks for all comments, all intrested parties will be invited for trial test & further comment the prototype once it born ONLY at CGF, cheers!
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


原帖由 terrorist 於 6-1-2011 21:35 發表
ok, after registered for years I cant believe BS is need to boosting post count.

tks for AK related sharing
i dont really get your mean sir? but dont worry, this "BS" may not be selling in public local market in short term, so i think it might not bother u too much, cheers & thank u for your comment!
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


sorry admin, pls delete!

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 12-5-2011 05:19 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


sorry admin, pls delete!

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 12-5-2011 05:19 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


sorry admin, pls delete!

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 12-5-2011 05:20 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


原帖由 ohnavi 於 31-1-2011 09:35 發表

yes if success, i think fightclub will be a legend forever...
& also with our co-operative alliance - X-power!!! we can do nothing without them!!!
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


原帖由 way132 於 10-2-2011 12:22 發表
大膽問句, 本体用"吉打"? "井勝"? "馬路2"? "國狗"? which one will be better?
availible in full kit or completed gun, custom receiver will be included!
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


原帖由 ayaka 於 10-2-2011 17:18 發表

- 佢老人家點會咁易比你估到呢....點可能全公開呢手足....個張圖話明只係強嫂用來墊煲既....你唔發覺小左好多野咩.....
- 唔賣返小小關子....我比人滅口o架....

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 11-2-2011 01:16 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


nothing updated.......

[ 本帖最後由 sailun412 於 12-5-2011 05:20 編輯 ]
I'm a Manufacturer , NOT a Dealer......
I buy more than I sell.
I'm merely selling my collections or extra items.
I had to buy to get what I want.


 17 12