

好難講! 呢支槍太扁, 好多港人未拿過支真槍所以想像唔到外皮, 重量, 顏色有乜分別! 拿住呢支槍蓄普通衣服咪當自己係SAS


原帖由 yiuyiusiu 於 27-8-2009 15:19 發表
真槍 !? 講到呢到晒氣啦師兄
就好似買鑽石咁   一萬蚊買覺得值得就係鑽石 覺得唔值就係石頭   
玩具始終玩具 自己覺得接受到就OK了
出炒冷飯又彈   出新槍差又彈      
師兄洗唔洗睇下眼科醫生   你一隻 ...
I respect the forum administration to edit the followings:-

由頭到尾本人沒有彈過呢支槍(只描述原槍唔係一般平民可以擁有! 所以好扁(罕有)唔會係本地槍會見到! 不能apple to apple比較, 又所以笑說扮SAS著便服拿呢支槍打game!)! 彈呢支槍就有你份! 以我所知呢處有班玩氣槍又玩(合法)真槍既師兄, 你頭句話乜野意思呀!!!!!!!可能你冇能力玩真槍, 但講到真槍就晒氣!!!呢句野聽洛得罪好多人wor!!!!!!!冇真槍出先邊處有大家玩啲氣槍呀! 第二! 你識唔識乜野係鑽石! 真鑽石平平地都講五致六皮一粒(小過一卡重要有美國專業學會認可證書)! 地吓啲石頭留比你去_女用啦! 第三! 你講"玩具始終玩具 自己覺得接受到就OK了"你都講明自己....點解又彈人地出TR...又話講到真槍就晒氣! 我大把同學係做醫生, 不過我覺得你要去醫生處睇吓你個腦有冇比rabies影響!睇青楚人地寫乜先好答.

Admin. This guy also insulted me for visiting EYE doctor! Why you don't give him the warning first???

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 30-8-2009 17:09 編輯 ]
  • gtoray 金錢 -10 帶侮辱/挑釁性字句。 29-8-2009 11:40
  • gtoray 威望 -10 帶侮辱/挑釁性字句。 29-8-2009 11:40


I respect the forum administration! To deleted the following worlds:- Your english still have a huge imporvement space! If you've not experience what University nor diamond is about! I couldn't help you regarding these matters! Unless you're interested to know which Uni I went, you can contact me for a FRIENDLY game, PTW or GBB any power range (you pick), any time suitable 30mins non stop single vs single game (casual wear only)! I am stationed in Yuen Long anytime suit you.

1) 鑽石同石頭係礦物(mineral).
2) 鑽石係由碳形成(立體原子共價結構-covalent bond with three dimensional arrays structure)
3) 石頭係由多種礦物組成一般最多係矽(silica). Note: Carbon 係 carbon 同 silica or others 係唔同物質! 再eg.可能狗X對人畜不能識別所以"爰"咬啲高層!

狗主, 我好"SURE"我自巳買過啲係'鑽石'而唔係'石頭', 你去買"石頭"時最好睇清楚吓.

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 31-8-2009 14:05 編輯 ]
  • gtoray 威望 -10 挑釁性字句。 29-8-2009 11:41
  • gtoray 金錢 -10 挑釁性字句。 29-8-2009 11:41


I respect a lot of people here and I am being friendly and nice to a lot of people here (please check my previous words). But if some big mouth acting stupid against myself and my friends, what should we act! I don't like fighting (Fighting is illegal). I like sporting (Safty sporting is legal). I've been in the skirmish paintball sport (oversea) for 5yrs, I've long been adopted being hitted by 13J CO2 power semi-frozen paintballs. Thus, if any argument or unhappy or stupid things happen between anyone for the same sport! Why not settle in the sport and being friends again. If this guy have made stupid words to me, which may imply he is an experienced skirmish guy wanting to have a game. I may lost in the game! I would be happy to pay for a range fee if he decided to have a settlement! I work in Yuen Long and have enough time anytime for the game just give me a week notice.

I never intended for fighting! Just a short session of sporting. If he likes to come then come.

Again repect some people here! I WILL WAIT FOR HIM TO VISIT ME! Well he change the wording
寧得罪小人 莫得罪高層 to 講多又無謂 解釋唔實際! 知道得罪過班唔係小人(KIDS)其實全部都係高層, 驚到要改口! 唉! W h a t a l o s e r .

Funny though the admin. give me an warning instead give him the warning (he lights the fireworks first - he start all these first!)! Looks to me they don't look after the chick instead look after the eagle.

Note: One more thing I didn't give any advertisement, comment on the airsoft rifle nor disclosure of the company! I've nothing related to any airsoft business! Some people in this chat site knew who I am, I've my own company and also doing legal consultantship business.

Admin. Why lock the post?

[ 本帖最後由 rho837 於 31-8-2009 19:18 編輯 ]
  • gtoray 威望 -10 再唔收雞就出警告 29-8-2009 11:43
  • gtoray 金錢 -10 再唔收雞就出警告 29-8-2009 11:43

