原帖由 LifeAfterDeath 於 12-6-2007 00:42 發表 well since you don't like TMi then I guess GnP maybe a bit better then others...
原帖由 老鼠 於 12-6-2007 20:18 發表 樓主一定要買四仔玩? 不過個人認為買M@ARUI/VF屎會好D .......
原帖由 day 於 12-6-2007 20:34 發表 我上星期買左支豬豬 m4呀 賣野條友話 都唔知做乜d m4咁好賣=.=" 我聽人講話**個柄怪怪的=.=...(聽說而已)
原帖由 heihei123 於 12-6-2007 20:37 發表 不過 e家無得比la..... marui m4a1 要 1500 ....豬p 都係 1600...... 跟本唔洗諗......
原帖由 LifeAfterDeath 於 13-6-2007 00:22 發表 not really if someone don't like the GnP metal Reciever then is difference story... what I did... bought the TM M4A1 and then change the Reciever to GD one (C8) and then order the GnP Barre ...
原帖由 大武士69 於 13-6-2007 00:32 發表 樓主響經濟抵玩為主既大前題下...我覺得豬皮係最佳選擇咯...到第日真係越睇個金身越唔順眼先考慮換囉...畢竟千幾銀都總算有金身玩下嘛...
原帖由 大武士69 於 13-6-2007 00:42 發表 好多資深同埋追求像真既師兄都對豬皮個金身上面d刻字印象麻麻...所以就算買左返黎都會換左個金身...仲會執好多補品令到自己支鎗更加似真鎗(或者係某部隊既專用款式同刻印)同埋獨一無二......呢個係一個必然既過 ...
原帖由 rYaN 於 13-6-2007 00:58 發表 m4唔係無底深淵 只係你自己唔知自己中意點既m4就會變成無底深淵
原帖由 LifeAfterDeath 於 13-6-2007 01:24 發表 at least make sure you want a long or short barrel of M4??? do you want to get RIS at the side... M203... etc...
原帖由 LifeAfterDeath 於 13-6-2007 01:29 發表 so I guess you should go for the basic one for now since you don;t have much money... then get the RIS... Scope... Laser... Flashlight... something like this as a pattern...