
Corner shot

Corner shot

The local government here bought 10 of this units.  Since I know some people, they gave me a one day basic training on how to use this device.  My first impression is that it's quite confusing of which way to turn.  It took a while to get used to it but still have problem turning it sometimes.  The good thing is it's quite accurate.  Hardly had any shot that missed the target.  My comment is if you use it to sneak into some building to do a building search or room clearing, it's really good.  However, if you use it under a stressful situation, I am afraid it may not work very well unless you spend a lot of time to train with it until you build up that muscle memory.  If you have a stoppage, I am pretty sure you will be killed unless you have a defense man to support you from behind.  

  • gtoray 威望 +10 相片分享 8-6-2010 11:34
  • gtoray 金錢 +10 相片分享 8-6-2010 11:34


I don't live in HK, but I go to HK very often.  This thing is considered as Military item as I was told, and it's definitely not something that you see at the shooting range everyday.  I did show the pictures to my police friends in LA and Canada, and their first reaction were the same "wow...what the hell is that?".   Especially my friend from LAPD really wants to have one cuz he's in the narcotic division and he does lot of house search all the time and thought this thing is cool to have.  However, i still think a person needs to have a lot of practice before he uses it in an operation cuz it was quite confusing to me at first.  Actually, I have the video of me using it, but unfortunately I am not allowed to post it on the internet.

[ 本帖最後由 SCboy 於 9-6-2010 02:40 編輯 ]


原帖由 gykl3344 於 9-6-2010 07:55 發表
小弟係MILITARY CHANNEL見過,記得最特別的係個DISPLAY,好似無論支槍點罷個TV都係打直?(唔多記得)
You can use any Glock from 9mm to .40.  If you want to use Glock 21 which is a .45, then you will need an adaptor.  Any M9 or Sig can be used on this device as well.

