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A brief open box of VFC's G36C:
First of all, some overall photos.

The overall gun is very light, and the plastic with the right kind of texture. Maybe during the cooling process the plastic shrink a bit, but it doesnt really matter to me at least, since real guns have that sort of marks all the time anyway (generally, i havnt touched a RS G36C anyway, they are so rare even photos are not many around). But it looks great and all the markings looks fine. every part is solid and nothing looks loose from the box.

The trigger somehow feels a little not too crisp, not like most WA m4 feel. It almost feel like a double action gun, and the trigger point is quite backwards. Once again never fired a G36C so cannot verify if this is also realistic.

The power of the gun is 1.4xJ first shot to 1.1xJ to last shot. Mags are only 30 rounds or so, and it cleared the 30 rounds with one charge of gas at single shot.

Hopup seems ok with 2 point hopup. Test accuracy later.

The 6mm BB cal marking.

Didnt bother me really. Because the overall quality of this G36C looks so "German" to me, I am willing to overlook this not so accurate marking. You will have it in all Uramex gun anyway. Either you buy and live with it or not, your choice.

However, some potential problematic area of the internal mechanism.
1) Metal meshed with plastic, with only pins connecting. If a BB jams, the stronger metal may cause the plastic to deform or break. Perhaps VFC can later produce a plastic version of the bolt head?

2) Bolt lock only catches a small area of the bolt, which after uses the bolt itself may deform. We will see in time if this happens.

3)Finally, the end plate. This is where all the blow back takes hit, but VFC have only designed the blow back force to be taken by an insert on top, and the takedown pin below. 2 points of contact only. Also a bit worrying, but if the plastic is good enough it should be ok otherwise this is suspect able to crack.

Overall I give this gun 90 marks. -5 due to mags are only 30 rounds. -5 due to strange trigger feel.
  • gtoray 威望 +10 相片分享 23-7-2011 23:55
  • gtoray 金錢 +10 相片分享 23-7-2011 23:55


回覆 3# 的帖子

Dear Ching,
1. 支鎗入面d 膠碎多到你估唔到. <- new guns are like that. Either plastic bits or metal powder, one way or another. Clean it often.
2. 個裝飾 bolt 有2粒機米, 不過用螺絲膠黏死左. shxt!!!. <- I dont see problem in that at all. If it is loosen, then it is SHIT. Dont take it down without knowing what you are doing.
3. Bolt 氣筒同個 o-ring 夾得好實, bolt carrier 個孔啤出黎有出模角, 但係又唔執番好佢. 真係要打先拉到出黎. 執到傻左. <- Yes it is 實, but shoots ok without problem. 孔啤出黎有出模角, I saw it in mine too, but since it is plastic and not yet damaged i think it is ok. All my WA guns have problem with this anyway.
4. Bolt 旁邊塊片仔入面 (同 bolt 磨擦果個面個頂針位有披峰. 唔怪得有咁多膠碎啦. <- mine just a little bit 披峰. Strongly suggest to smoothen it DIY though.
5. 彈夾實到嘔. 上夾時要暴力. 但長久用暴力係解決唔到問題既. <- I insert and remove the mag for 20 times and it is normal now. But bolt lock first before you do that.
6. 鎗管要另外工具先拆到. 所以暫時不能分解. 不過佢個設計攪到有咩軍事機密咁. <-why you need to remove it?
7. hop up 制超實. hop up 似乎調唔到 (無反應). <- A firm hopup is better than loose hopup! I agree the range of adjustment seems small but i have not tested it yet too.
8. Folding stock 個制超更, 真係比外國人先"禁"到落去. 就算 cut 左兩圈彈弓仍然好硬, 不過好過無啦. <-Once again nothing wrong with this. Use two fingers. I almost twisted my thumb trying to fold it, but still i like it firm than loose.

總括來講, 執到嘔血. <- Disagree, nothing really worth  執 at all except for the bolt head guide maybe. It shoots out of box fine.


回覆 4# 的帖子

Disagree. This is one of the best looking GBB mags in the market.

[ 本帖最後由 dennislau1 於 24-7-2011 11:43 編輯 ]


回覆 2# 的帖子

Well only time will tell i think. I hope it last too cause i spend my hard earn $$ to buy this beauty!


Ok. Today is Sunday, so i decided to run a little test on the gun. Push it a little bit see what it is capable of.

I shot 10 rounds of full mag and see how the internal parts wears out. Before the test i wasnt too worried. After it i think it performed better than I think.  10 full mags, 5 mags single shot and 5 mags auto shots. Even at full auto there was no problem to clear mag with 6 secs of gas charging.

But there are some issues with the mag design itself as far as i can see. The major operation issue is that it needs time to "warm up" again after each use. AT least 5 mins i say between reloads. Common problem for plastic warped mags. Today is 33C outside and it still takes that much time for the mag to re-warm.

[ 本帖最後由 dennislau1 於 24-7-2011 18:18 編輯 ]


Onto parts wear. To my relieve, after 11 lock bolts or so, it still worked fine. No serious deform is noted.

No major scratches or deforms  on the bolt carrier is also seen. I think the forces are distributed out quite evenly.

And to my relieve, the rear end did not have any signs of fatigue or cracks. So i guess it can sustain some punish afterall.

[ 本帖最後由 dennislau1 於 24-7-2011 18:23 編輯 ]


I do not have a problem with the bolt guide, now i take it apart.

Bolt and bolt carrier does not show signs of heavy wear and tear. But i still dont like the metal meshed with plastic concept, although it seems to work fine regardless.

Trigger group also didnt seem to be worn out at all. I think VFC did a great job on the trigger and lower receiver design. Unlike their M4 series.

[ 本帖最後由 dennislau1 於 24-7-2011 18:29 編輯 ]


Finally on the grouping.
This is done on standing position, 9 yards = 8.23m, indoor windless. 0.25g G&G BB. Power measured at 1.4J first shot.
Grouping is 55mm. With prone or bipods this is easily be halved i think. Accurate as hell is what i think.

After getting use to the trigger, I think it wasnt all that bad at all. Just different from M4 and not unacceptable.

[ 本帖最後由 dennislau1 於 24-7-2011 18:35 編輯 ]


And i think this is it. Hope you guys enjoy. I am only a user afterall.

Final verdict and score on this VFC G36C: Great price to value ratio. Though they can make slight changes to the mag to make it perfect.
Final score after use: 90 (-10 for mags)

[ 本帖最後由 dennislau1 於 24-7-2011 18:35 編輯 ]


Cleaning Tissue after 12 mags


j.JPG (58.76 KB)

24-7-2011 19:01



eyrenuest Ching, I dont know, i just insert the head from right to left when i re-assembled it.

Also I have found a rather annoying fact about the G36C mags. I can only insert 20-25 rounds into the mags, regardless what 'position' of inserting the BB.  

I have emailed VFC but they just said i should follow the instruction and have no further follow up. Have anyone experiences this as well?


I will also be very interested to see how the 'double tap' trigger group will work. Very tempted to get it


回覆 27# 的帖子

Normal should be able to release bolt when pull back the charging handle!


回覆 30# 的帖子

講真,進步空問係有, 但本身的質素已經是市場上頗高的一枝槍. 我個Friend 果枝WE, 唔執根本下唔到場..


彈匣漏氣我尚未有時間去修復. 我反而認為入BB子彈數量不足是一個大問題. 寫明入30粒, 但事實上只能入23-24粒, 是有一點點的欺騙成分.

另外hopup 調整小零件要設計到應該是可拆卸, 否則裡面有parts損壞無法更換的.

但總體來說,我認為這是一個比VXC MP5 更好的設計, 我的一些朋友還可以使用下場, 算OK


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