原帖由 B20_hk 於 12-3-2007 22:14 發表
Mike可能我表達得不好,我指鎗真品,但--- 為高空跳傘者特別設計的裝備(例如衣服、特製頭盔、呼吸系統、導航裝備) 咁一些飛行衣,機師盔咪有機會犯法。
擁 ...
你都識列出咩係strategic commodities 同埋話"有機會"犯法, 咁又點叫100% 犯法呢?
同埋我都講過一般來講擁有Strategic commodities不是犯法...只有import/export 先係...至於firearms 就要睇你點define Cap 238 有關arms 特別是components/元件的定義. 這最少有幾個可能:
1. The component is essential to the functioning of the weapon e.g. firing pin, barrels
2. Include all Components for normal functioning of the weapons (that would also include stocks)
3. Attachments, optional parts which are not needed for normal functioning of the weapons (e.g. red dot sights, slings, surefire designed to be mounted onto weapons)
據小弟所知暫時係香港法庭未有有關gei binding decision.