
實力派香港槍廠 - Deep Fire

唔係話唔俾講,但係公度d, 你3句唔埋兩句又話人地垃圾又話人地d野唔得



原帖由 M2come 於 18-10-2010 14:02 發表
呢D咪就係"意見接受,態度照舊",又要開post宣傳自己公司.人o地講出面對o既問題同睇法就又呢樣又果樣.咁不如close topic吾好比人留意見.
首先, 呢個 topic 係 cgf 版主開的, 唔係什麼開post宣傳自己公司
你睇清楚先踩人啦, alright ?

btw.我地唔會比你呢d技倆拋到ge, ok ?

本來你要刻意踩 deepfire, 我地都冇意干涉
但你踩到 cgf 管理層面我地就唔可以唔出聲喇

例如好難買呀, 認受性唔夠呀, showroom 隔涉呀
但係果d咩"many shops said", "i heard that" 果d呢就無意思啦, 係咪?
不如你講埋咩 shops 咩 sales 講過 d 咁ge說話
咁我地會以中立身份去問下佢地有冇咁ge事, 咁公平喇啩 ?
如果無提供ge, 咁唔該你唔好再無矢放的, 然後又話我地偏幫又乜又物, thx !


OK then, i had a deep fire M4 of new hop-up style, first i test the whole Deep Fire AEG, the company say it will shoot more far then the other AEG, but it seems the same shooting range. then i dissolve the Deep Fire AEG and change the whole hop-up set into the G&P AEG,KA AEG and the Marui AEG, all type of AEG cannot fit it without any modification. After modifiy the hop-up set then it can fit for the G&P only. But it seems even worst then the old style hop-up set. So is it still worth? OK then i use the Deep Fire Gear, it is really hard enough but the buttom gear which contact with the motor dissolve itself after shooting for 3000rounds. So it is reliable? That's ok too, then I use the Deep Fire inner barrel for PTW, it comes with the hop-up set, but after install it seems that the hop-up set is useless as there is no hop-up for adjust. Is all of the above my unlucky? Not i want to say the worst for the Deep Fire but just want to tell them that they still need to work more hard, as too less people know this brand also need to arise their quality.


i also own one,it can not fit for GP and KA even Marui AEG, Also the price is too high as a DF Rail need to sell for $850 in gun street so why i don't get a real one,it just cost for $1100,you may check it in gun street. Also if it is so gd as you say why it is so hard to buy it in gun street?poor promotion?poor quality?high price?

其實係咩骨裝唔落 , 又有咩同款真骨係 $1,100 ??

最可愛係 , 除左 DF , 乜原來出面 D 廠隻隻都可以交換用而又一定 Fit 既咩 ???


原帖由 odaan 於 18-10-2010 18:02 發表
i also own one,it can not fit for GP and KA even Marui AEG, Also the price is too high as a DF Rail need to sell for $850 in gun street so why i don't get a real one,it just cost for $1100,y ...
Troy Industries MRF-DI 7" Rail, you can check it in the second hand market, the Deep Fire rail sell in gun street $845 with deep fire marking.

The parts that can echange, at least the outerbarrel of KA and GP can echange, also the gap for the front sight on outer barrel is a bit longer so it cannot hold for the rail as KAC RIS, SF M73 and KAC RASII.

